Sunday, August 17, 2008

Summer: so quickly gone away... the semester starts back up in quite literely one week from right now. I'm down to two semesters. The mental image of the little engine struggling to crest the peak of the hill with his oversized load is almost how my brain feels right now. Usually, this is a sign of sleep deprivation or certifiable insanity, but the semester hasn't even started yet, so it can't be either.

Quite frankly, I'm excited and scared to death of the next academic year. Thirty-seven weeks from right now, Lord willing, I will have walked and finished my undergrad. That's the mostly scary part. This senior year I have my thesis to write, which I've never honestly been looking forward to. Eighty pages of original research seems like an awful lot. Having started looking into grad school, many of the programs only require a 60 page master's thesis with original research. Holy moley, I might as well as chop twenty pages off my senior thesis. If only it was that easy...

So, the Olympics are also going on, and, not so surprisingly, the Chinese are taking many gold medals home. However, this is not without a little turmoil and fuss. You all should look into the Chinese female gymnist who won. Last year, several papers did an article on her, and she was 13 years old. This year, she won the gold medal and is amazingly 16, according to the government issued Chinese passport. How awesome is that? The Chinese have figured out a way to speed time up for individuals so they are magically the minimum age required to compete in the Olympics, and that magical individual also happened to take home the gold. To age three years in less than 12 months truly is a miracle. I hear they simply reversed the process the Kremlin used on Lenin. Oh, Mao, what would you think of that?

Well, onto that hallowed, filthy ground of politics. I'm saying this now, but I've been saying it for the past three months as well. Obama will be the next President of the United States. He has won people over with his charisma, youth, and promise of change [though he continually fails to fully disclose exactly WHAT changes he will be making]. So with a half-baked plan for the economy, Obama is riding on his pretty face [well, it is compared to McCain :D ] and the race card. Come on, I'm not being bigoted or lying, and you know it. Don't get me wrong. I think it is wonderful that America has moved past it's previous squabblings and is willing to elect an African-American President, but we shouldn't do it just because he's African-American.

Frankly, I've been worried for the man. Though I disagree with his politics and his wife, I would never wish any harm upon Barack Obama, but I think there are enough crazy people still in the US that wouldn't mind taking a shot at him. There are still places in the States where the hatred for the African-Americans runs deep and hard and fresh. I hope his security stays alert, because I could see him as a prime target for idiot, would-be assassins.

Moving on, I also want to say I fully support the Phantom Congress, and I think Nancy Pelosi has made a big mistake leaving them in the House. The American people are not stupid, and they definitely don't like paying for $4 a gallon gas. If she were smart, she'd give up a week of her paid 5 week hiatus and put together an energy plan for the US. It's what she should do as Speaker of the House. What kind of blemish will this leave on her record, character, and testimony? Only time will tell.

Both Republicans and Democrats ought to be worried about what American citizens are paying for energy. This is not a partisan issue. As soon as it becomes partisan, we both lose. Come on, Congress. Work together for once and get America back on the right foot.

Last thing. The Dark Knight: a w e s o m e. Brilliant in almost every way. So sad that Heath Ledger died by accidental overdose. That man could act very well, as proven by his show-stealing, record-setting, blockbuster performance in the movie. If you haven't seen it yet, go see it. If you have seen it, go see it again. It's a very entertaining movie, and it's also very philosophically intriguing.

Catch you all later. Hopefully it won't take six months for me to write another blog entry... XD